Possible savings if all beverage cans are replaced with ENVICAN:
Our most important resource is certified
Sustainable forestry
We can ensure internationally approved, environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable forest management.
This is guaranteed by the sole usage of wood certified by the Forest Stewardship Council® – the FSC seal. Our license number is FSC® C173168.
FSC is the largest organization to protect and preserve important environmental and social standards in forest management. Internationally approved standards and their involvement of many different stakeholders, environmental and social associations prove that FSC is an accredited solution for sustainable forestry.
From raw materials to supply chain to our finished product
For us, the disposal of our materials is just as important as the procurement. Products made from wood, like paper and cardboard are easily recyclable and reusable in the production cycle. Furthermore, wood/cardboard/paper are food safety approved.
In addition, cardboard can be very flexiblly processed regarding its looks and other properties.
ENVICAN stands for an innovative, environmentally friendly and cost-efficient carton can, that really keeps all its promises.
According to study by IFEU Institute Heidelberg, 2023
CO2 savings by using carton cans
Consumers all around Europe are more and more inclined to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. They are trying to change the world for the better by making the right packaging choice which often makes safe carton packaging more attractive than packaging made from other materials. ENVICAN has developed new and sustainable beverage packaging exactly for this reason. According to studies conducted by leading European institutions (IFEU Institute Heidelberg) our carton can reduces CO2 by 50%.
“Our network in research and development,
our willingness and our capabilities have helped us
create something new and innovative.”
Dr. Christoph Schoenig, CEO